All inquiries concerning canon law (excluding annulments) are handled by the Office of Canonical Affairs. The Office assists all departments with canon law questions, is responsible for censorship of manuscripts, marriage dispensations, pre-marriage questions and paperwork, responds to all questions regarding gifts and bequests that carry an obligation for the celebration of Masses, and formulates letters of good standing for diocesan priests. Additionally, the Office of Canonical Affairs grants faculties for non-incardinated priests, prepares notices regarding the deaths of priests, as well as for priests’ relatives and coordinates all Archdiocesan Confirmations.
Dr. Andrea Ponzone, JCD, LLB
Assistant to the Moderator of the Curia for Canonical Affairs
Office: 617-746-5650
Fax: 617-746-5920
David Cronin
Operations Associate
Office: 617-746-5652
Fax: 617-746-5920
Tammy Kane
Operations Associate
Office: 617-746-5651
Fax: 617-746-5920