The mission of the Archdiocesan Social Justice Ministry is to strengthen our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching by education, awareness, engagement with others, and collaborative ACTION for change. Our objectives are to:
Recorded Segments of Catholics Care for Creation
14th Annual Convocation, 2022
Migrants & Refugees: Who are They—Where are They?
13th Annual Convocation, 2021
“Let Us Dream”: The Path to a Better Future
12th Annual Convocation 2020
Racial Justice – What Can We Do?
11th Annual Convocation 2019
Do Justice, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with God
Workshops were initiated in March of 2021. These presentations were recorded and are available below along with links to speaker biographies and resource material.
March 12, 2022
We’re all part of God’s Plan(et); Heal Our Common Home and Respond to the Poor
May 15, 2022
Environmental Workshop: Our Common Home—Equity for All
March 13, 2021
Workshop on Racial Justice—A Journey Through “Open Wide Our Hearts” Call to Love and Action
A Speakers Bureau was launched in January 2023. The objectives are to prepare a core group of people trained in Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and experienced in Social Justice to engage parishes in educational conversations and provide practical, relevant guidance and resources about CST and specific Social Justice issues such as Immigration and Refugees, Racism, Environmental Justice, Homelessness and Affordable Housing, Workers Rights, Global and Local Poverty and others, The inaugural presentation on Catholic Social Teaching by Fr. J. Bryan Hehir was recorded and can be accessed below.
January 14, 2023
Launch of Speakers Bureau
An extensive and diverse database of Social Justice organizations and ministries with links to their websites was created and is now maintained to encourage people to learn about and engage if they wish. There is also a database of Parishes and Collaboratives with Social Justice Ministries with contact information. And there are periodic calls to action for specific time-sensitive calls for action such as the Refugee Crisis and humanitarian disasters. The links to all these these groups are listed in the downloadable databases below:
Listing of Representative Social Justice Organizations
Pat Dinneen, Chair
(617) 746-5730
[email protected]